Welcome to our Salt Cave
Halotherapy & Wellness Centre!
Welcome to our Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre!
Our Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre is a natural holistic centre with integrated complementary services that will able to rejuvenate your health and maintain your well-being.
Our customers benefit from a wide range of health and well-being services provided under one roof. Some of the services we offer at the Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre are new to New Zealand. An earlier demographic survey indicated a need for these revolutionary services.
Closed System Colon Hydrotherapy Training by Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre
The course Closed System Colon Hydrotherapy will be conducted in English.
If you are motivated to change people’s beliefs and to achieve the best health outcomes for people by improving their general as well as gut health then Colon Hydrotherapy may be the best carer option for you. Having completed this course, you will be able to provide Colon Hydrotherapy services to people of different backgrounds and ages and as a practitioner you will contribute to changing people’s vision and improving their health conditions. The Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre is your training provider and as part of the training you will be taught and guided on how to achieve best results and outcomes as a Colon Hydrotherapist.
Before enrolment, you are required to visit the Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre in person. It is compulsory to have face to face interaction with the trainer, visualise setup and discuss aspects of the training for better clarity. Please make an appointment before you visit as we get really busy with clients.
This course has been approved by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists and Global Professional Association for Colon Therapy. Through these bodies, this modality of Closed System Colon Hydrotherapy training provided by Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre is recognised in New Zealand / Australia, EU, UK, US and globally.
Pre-requisite qualification(s) to be able to study this modality of Closed System Colon Hydrotherapy:
Total hours involved in this modality of Closed System Colon Hydrotherapy (Foundation Level) Course will be of 200 hours and will be in three components:
There will be only one level of qualification for this modality and it will be Closed System Colon Hydrotherapy (200 hours) Foundation Level. Upon successful completion will receive “Certificate of Completion” and will be advised to join an accrediting association or professional body where Colon Hydrotherapy practitioner would become member of organisation: International Institute for Complementary Therapists and Global Professional Association for Colon Therapy.
Total duration for the course is 6 weeks. This can be completed within a maximum timeframe of 6 months after enrolment is processed. Both parties - student and facilitator need to work closely with mutual agreement. Maximum time to completion of 6 months will be granted only in exceptional circumstances such as illness, or family commitment or any unforeseen circumstances. Decision will be made case-by-case basis and on agreement and understanding between both parties - student and facilitator.
Total cost for Closed System Colon Hydrotherapy (Foundation Level) Course is NZ $ 5500.00 as course fees. You have the option to pay the full amount or to pay in 3 instalments. Payment can be made by Efpost payment or direct online transfer (Our bank details are as follows: BNZ Bank, Account number: 02-0108-0478380-00. Please write your name and Colon Hydrotherapy course as reference). There will be an additional 3% surcharge if you are using credit card to make the payment. The receipt for the payment will be emailed on request.
Upcoming Dates:
TBA or as on need basis. Please contact directly with Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre if you wish to start this offered course.
Needful documents for enrolment:
Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre is an authorised registered supplier of:
Prime Pacific Series of Colon Hydrotherapy Device(s) (https://www.primepacifichealth.com/)
“Prime Pacific Health Innovations was established in 1997 with the mission to be the world leader in the field of professional Colon Hydrotherapy, providing the industry’s best equipment, treatment tables, supplies, and customer service. Since its inception, Prime Pacific Health Innovations has been raising standards by taking the Colon Hydrotherapy equipment industry lead in innovative, high quality Colon Hydrotherapy equipment and products and customer care.”
Medozons Series of Medical Ozone Generator(s) (https://www.medozons.com/)
“We design and manufacture Medical Ozone Generators of Medozons series as well as customize them with an extremely wide range of ozone-resistant accessories for modern high-effective technology of Ozone Therapy and Ozone Prophylaxis. Following the 100-years experience in the field of Ozone Therapy, we have based development of our products on the advanced scientific-medical achievements of the Russian School of Ozone Therapy. Technical solutions to our products were made by the leading physicists of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center. Unfortunately, world-wide spreading of Medical Ozone applications has been inhibited by insufficient or misleading information on this subject. Having created our website we intend to establish communication with everyone interested in this subject and hope to succeed in our efforts to support the use of Ozone Therapy worldwide!”
If you would like to purchase “Prime Pacific Series of Colon Hydrotherapy Device(s)”, “Medozons Series of Medical Ozone Generator(s)” for yourself or your practice, for best price and further information, please contact Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre.
Contact person:
Prashant Saraf.
Phone: (+64) 9-3907886
Mobile: (+64) 220608886
Email: saltcavenz@gmail.com
Opening Hours:
We are open: 10 am- 7 pm: Mondays to Sundays (Including Public Holidays).
We are based at: 11 / 326 Sunset Road, Windsor Park, North Shore, Auckland 0632, New Zealand.
There is availability of onsite as well as off street parking for our clients.
Contact us:
Phone: (+64) 9-3907886
Mobile: (+64) 220608886
Email: infosaltcavenz@gmail.com
Website: https://www.saltcavenz.co.nz/
Also visit us on:
Website or Facebook or TripAdvisor or Instagram or Google or Yelp or YouTube.
Medical Disclaimer: Statements made and information available on our website https://www.saltcavenz.co.nz/ including text, graphics, images and videos are for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease(s). Some of the information including text, graphics, images and videos have been sourced from either research databases or Google Scholar or Google. Salt Cave Halotherapy & Wellness Centre does not provide medical advice, prescribe or dispense medication, or diagnose any disease(s).